
                                  Web Communications strives to be a guiding force in the overall online strategy for New Mexico State University by collaborating with campus leadership and the campus community to support the university’s mission and strategic plan.   Our goal is to improve the user experience and maintain a consistent online identity for NMSU.

                                  We currently are working to create a comprehensive online resource that supports of an effective and consistent online identity for NMSU by offering advice, solutions and services for all forms of web enhanced communications and digital media. Please check back soon for updates.

                                  Review Web Governance Policy - ARP 15.80


                                  vpn与ss/ssr的区别-思源资源网:2 天前 · ssr:在ss作者被品茗之后,github上泛起了一个叫breakwa11(破娃)的帐号,声称ss容易被防火墙检测到,众是在混淆和协议方面做了改善,加倍不容易被检测到,而且兼容ss,改善后的项目叫shadowsocks-R,简称ssr,然后ss用户和ssr用户自然分成了两个 The university is taking new, strategic steps to improve our collective web presence by reducing the number of public facing NMSU websites and moving websites needed for internal use or university business operations behind a single sign-on/firewall environment for access. The platform the university has selected for public facing sites is Cascade and WordPress will continue to be used for internal facing sites. For more information, please visit Cascade Migration .


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